
美国化学会学生附属组织为学生提供更好地了解化学科学的机会. 本组织旨在确保其与美国化学会的专业联系所产生的智力刺激. 成员可以获得在对化学感兴趣的听众面前准备和展示技术材料的经验,并可以参加各种社区服务项目. 本章努力灌输专业的骄傲,在化学科学和促进责任和现代化学家的挑战意识.
学前健康协会致力于教育有兴趣从事任何医疗保健专业领域的人. PHS希望丰富学生的技能和知识,无论他们的专业如何. 这包括学习什么课程, exams needed for their intended profession, as well as the overall application process and requirements outside of the university setting. They also work to create networking opportunities for student on any pre-health track. 
The 预备兽医及动物服务协会 works to 更好地照顾和福利世界各地的动物和教育学生在兽医科学.
精神神经俱乐部(心理学) & 神经科学俱乐部(Neuroscience Club)是一个让对正规博彩十大网站排名大学的心理学和神经科学感兴趣的学生认识他们的同学的地方, p艺术icipate in learning activities outside of the classroom, 与同学建立联系, 校友和专业人士, do volunteer projects together and stay connected with each other. We host various events such as movie nights, 书会谈, 社区服务 events and an end-of-the-semester coffee/doughnut break.
The 公众健康会 at 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 strives to promote health education, thus working towards a more accessible and equitable future, to advocate for the importance of self-care and a healthy lifestyle, to unify and create a safer Scottie community on and off-campus by sharing our innovation & knowledge with our surrounding neighborhoods, and to provide extensive and meaningful networking opportunities. 最重要的是, the 公众健康会 focuses on the pursuit of academic excellence, 提高社会和政治意识, 社区服务, 创造文化和种族平等, 以及整体的包容性. The 公众健康会 welcomes everyone no matter their race, background, 宗教, 性取向, 或者性别分类.

普布利乌斯Pre-Law Society的存在是为了授权和装备所有背景和专业的未来苏格兰律师. 每个月, 该小组举行了两次会议,目的是为学生提供他们准备参加LSAT考试所需的工具和支持, find internships at law firms and apply to law school. 

Publius exists for students and their needs. 他们在这里提供了一个同样想上法学院的学生网络,可以帮助指导斯科蒂实现这一目标.

Sigma Alpha Iota音乐服务兄弟会是一个促进那些共同致力于音乐的人之间互动的组织. The Gamma Eta chapter sponsors informal and formal recitals featuring students in the music dep艺术ment, and its members serve where they are needed as stage managers, 引座员和门卫. In addition to personal encouragement and support, members may receive scholarships and awards in many areas and at all levels of music-related study. Sigma Alpha Iota长期以来一直被认为是音乐领域的领导者,并提供了一生的重要联系. 成为会员, 您必须注册或至少参加过一门音乐课,并且累积平均成绩为2分.5.
Scott - techs旨在通过基于项目的学习,提高艾格尼丝·斯科特学生对工程和技术的兴趣和意识, 频繁事件编程, and a focus on building applicable skills in a supportive community. It will also serve as the coordinating body for the "Scotties in Technology" umbrella, 包括艾格尼丝和其他专业团体的全国技术相关组织分会吗.


Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) is a society for students that fosters learning in the field of biology. The society is dedicated to cultivating intellectual interest in the natural sciences. It promotes the appreciation of biological study through its goals of stimulating scholarship, disseminating scientific knowledge and promoting biological research. TriBeta welcomes both biology majors and those with an interest in biology as members. 正规博彩十大网站排名的Beta Beta的Sigma Upsilon分会全年都有各种活动,从社交聚会到科学会议.
Beta Kappi Chi is a STEM honor society for students of color.
Eta Sigma Phi的章程规定,该协会的目的是“培养和促进高校学生对古典研究的兴趣”, to promote closer fraternal relationship among students who are interested in classical study, 包括校际关系, to engage generally in an effort to stimulate interest in classical study, 在历史上, 艺术, 以及古希腊和古罗马的文学.
Mortar Board members are selected for their outstanding achievements, but what truly brings them together is their dedication to helping others. This community of scholars creates change for good, 无论是在他们的大学校园, 在他们的社区或在全球范围内.

The official mission and purpose of Nu Rho Psi is to:

  1. Encourage professional interest and excellence in scholarship, p艺术icularly in Neuroscience.
  2. Award recognition to students who have achieved such excellence in scholarship.
  3. 推进神经科学学科发展.
  4. Encourage intellectual and social interaction between students, 教师, and professionals in Neuroscience and related fields.
  5. Promote career development in Neuroscience and related fields.
  6. Increase public awareness of Neuroscience and its benefits for the individual and society.
  7. 鼓励为社区服务.
The unique mission of O∆K is to recognize and encourage collaboration among collegiate leaders. 我们的协会寻求认同, 庆祝, and engage collegiate and community leaders from different backgrounds, 视角, 和代. 会员享有奖学金机会, 领导力发展项目, 接入全国网络, 还有更多.
Omicron Delta Epsilon, the International Economics Honor Society, was created in 1963. Agnes Scott's chapter, Mu of Georgia, was established in 1993. 欧米ron Delta Epsilon致力于认可经济学的学术成就,并在经济学的学生和教师之间建立更紧密的联系. 艾格尼丝·斯科特分会通过参与校园周围的各种活动,包括偶尔在午餐时进行经济讨论,来实现这些目标, 社交活动, current topic colloquia and field trips to places such as the Federal Reserve Bank. 
Phi Beta Kappa, America's most prestigious scholastic organization, was founded in 1776. Agnes Scott chapter, Beta of Georgia, dates from 1926. Phi Beta Kappa鼓励和认可本科和研究生在文科方面的杰出学术成就. Election to membership is based on a number of criteria, including grade point ratio. A limited number of seniors are considered each year for membership. The electors of the chapter are the Agnes Scott 教师, staff and administrators who are Phi Beta Kappa members.

Phi Sigma Tau的宗旨是:

  1. 作为奖励对哲学有很高学识和个人兴趣的学生的一种手段.
  2. Promote student interest in research and advanced study in this field.
  3. Provide opportunities for the publication of student research papers of merit.
  4. 鼓励那些在这个领域表现出显著能力的人之间的专业精神和友谊.
  5. To popularize interest in philosophy among the general collegiate public.
该协会的目的是表彰法语和法语文学方面的杰出学术成就, 提高美国人对法语国家文化贡献的认识和欣赏,并促进和鼓励法语和法语国家的文化活动.
Psi Chi is the National Honor Society in Psychology, founded in 1929 for the purposes of encouraging, stimulating and maintaining excellence in scholarship and for advancing the science of psychology. 会员资格向将心理学研究作为主要兴趣之一并符合最低条件的学生开放:Psi Chi是大学荣誉协会的成员,也是美国心理协会(APA)和美国心理学会的附属机构.
To honor those who attain excellence in the study of the Spanish language and in the study of the literature and culture of the Spanish-speaking peoples; to honor those who have made Hispanic contributions to modern culture better known in the English-speaking world; to encourage college and university students to acquire a greater interest in, 以及对…更深的理解, Hispanic culture; and to foster friendly relations and mutual respect between the nations of Hispanic speech and those of English speech.
西格玛τ δ, 国际英语荣誉协会, was founded in 1924 at Dakota Wesleyan University.
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